Kamis, 22 September 2016


Not Enter the English language lecture Hours
See you again tonight man. Now I will tell you a little why I'm walkin college English. that day's lecture miss early name of the professor, suddenly there was a chat from our chairman, he said we had to go to an independent bank brought ktp same student card, then go lah us to the bank at 09.00 am and we came to the bank turns queues were very long, and we also took a queue at the bank. until a long time to wait until our turn lah, not long deal at the bank we went straight out. comrades know not why we go to the bank. kmai went to the bank to complete the file for the scholarship bidikmisi. what it Misi? bidikmisi it is a scholarship given to students who are economically disadvantaged. but with the willingness of the student. menurutkami scholarship was very helpful for us to meringan the burden of our parents, to this day I can continue their education level was higher. thank you for taking time to read my story


....Good night all. Here I will explain a little bit about the selfie and told him about the photos I post. immediately wrote ya fell selfie kind of self-portrait photos taken personally by using a digital camera or camera phone. Photos narcissist often associated with narcissism, especially in social networking. In the Korean entertainment industry, the term used is selcas (abbreviation for self camera). why I chose a photo to make this assignment materials. because this photo many memories for me. where I photographed many of my family assembled. where today it is all present and happy all. This place bernam Jawai kabbupaten Sambas. there also I was born and many other memories with the family there. but now they can not enjoy it because they do not know when else can gather together a family like that. Also in the photo I can remember my mother who was in the village. which continues and there is no ending to pray for me so that I was successful in my lecture. I am very grateful to my parents have encouraged me. I am actually embarrassed to show this photo. but with this photo reminds me of my family. thank you ..

Rabu, 07 September 2016

Tri Wiranto

My name is Tri Wiranto,I am from Sambas, I have a little story about before I signed MIPA, before I went to college to shy away from subjects MATH but a week I go I just know that I go to college mathematics.my father was a farmer that my mother, she's been working hard to pay for my school, I hope to enter the Faculty of Science of this I can my parents happy. I still have a dream that could make my parents are called to stand in front of people crowded because my achievement is not my crime. and I still have a very big dream is to share knowledge to my friends in the village who do not necessarily go to college like me. I am very grateful to get into this school even though initially was shocked but now accustomed to and it was very helpful what was given to professors and friends. hopefully we can be successful all of MIPA after this. I can not be like the others in English. but I am trying to learn as I know to master the computer was one of them with good English language skills. I have an issue with memory. I hard to remember and memorize the problems on themselves saa. so san more using a dictionary and google translet to The work that the English language. at school I rarely go in fitting me English lessons. hopefully in UNTAN here I can achieve good performance and can manage my time. MIPA religious campus quite well in Mathematics nevertheless I can learn about agam or front it. as well as the professor good.especially in my department COMPUTER SYSTEMS here I can be a lot of new things that I have not been able to before.I wanted to make a point or IT workshop in my hometown so that small children can learn IT even if only basis. it is also my wish that children at my place a lot whose work nights out and more. I hope I can at this MIPA good science and could lead me to be able to realize the desire iru all. Mathematics and Natural Sciences is KAMPUS in which teach an inexact science, not only that in Mathematics and Science is taught manners and procedures for adapting the environment dimna we are. MIPA really very good for sharpening our mindset. The example I just realized that a lot more important than ever that I did. I can only give us one word MIPA. Thus my short stories and my liver expression of Mathematics and computer systems. even if only a little hopefully be useful and d read friends. I hope my friends also think better than me about Mathematics and computer system. Achievement won friends cheered. so is the man who became a role model for everyone and do not use science to crime
I can not speak English maximum. if there is a wrong word please apologize
my name is tri wiranto,I am from Sambas, I have a little story about before I signed MIPA, before I went to college to shy away from subjects MATH but a week I go I just know that I go to college mathematics