Kamis, 22 September 2016


Not Enter the English language lecture Hours
See you again tonight man. Now I will tell you a little why I'm walkin college English. that day's lecture miss early name of the professor, suddenly there was a chat from our chairman, he said we had to go to an independent bank brought ktp same student card, then go lah us to the bank at 09.00 am and we came to the bank turns queues were very long, and we also took a queue at the bank. until a long time to wait until our turn lah, not long deal at the bank we went straight out. comrades know not why we go to the bank. kmai went to the bank to complete the file for the scholarship bidikmisi. what it Misi? bidikmisi it is a scholarship given to students who are economically disadvantaged. but with the willingness of the student. menurutkami scholarship was very helpful for us to meringan the burden of our parents, to this day I can continue their education level was higher. thank you for taking time to read my story

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